Polonium halos and myrmekite in pegmatite and granite lorence g.
Polonium halos in granite.
His results seem to indicate that the earth was created instantaneously in a cool condition.
Granite from the early origins of the earth.
Robert gentry s work showed that the earth s granite was never in a molten condition because polonium halos survive only in solid rock and the half life of polonium is much too short to survive a multimillion year cooling time.
Because the polonium has a very rapid existence and very short half life and the fact that these polonium halos are preserved inside the granite indicates that formation of granite was very quick and not over millions of years as the evolutionists believe.
Precambrian granites his primordial crustal rock must have formed in less than three minutes and that polonium haloes are therefore proof of the young earth creation model according to.
Isolated polonium halos are rare or absent figure 2.
Coal formation such as polonium halos in coalified wood and the astonishingly pure giant coal beds of the powder river basin.
He suggested that the po halos which are found in the minerals biotite and fluorite in granites and associated pegmatites prove that the host rocks were created not from magma but almost instantaneously during day 1 of the genesis week.
Just as frozen alka seltzer bubbles would be clear evidence of the quick freezing of the water so are these many polonium halos undeniable evidence that a sea of primordial matter quickly froze into solid granite.
Polonium halos are produced by the radioactive decay of polonium inside granite.
Pleochroic halos also referred to as radiohalos are microscopic spherical shells of discolouration pleochroism within minerals such as biotite that occur in granite and other igneous rocks.
Gentry claims that halos such as the one in figure 2 were caused by traces of the element polonium in primordial granite i e.
An exceedingly large number of polonium halos are embedded in granites around the world.
The radioactive elements emit particles of varying energies.
The shells are zones of radiation damage caused by the inclusion of minute radioactive crystals within the host crystal structure.
Uranium halos are commonly found throughout a granite mass.