An exceedingly large number of polonium halos are embedded in granites around the world.
Polonium halos in granite on creation.
Videos showing evidence for the young age of the earth and its instant creation in support of the bible s genesis record of creation.
Gentry has shown that polonium halos microspheres of coloration found in the earth s granite foundation rocks.
Polonium halos occur in biotite in granites of supposed magmatic origin and the half lives of the polonium po isotopes are short 218 po 3 05 minutes.
He believes that because of polonium s remarkably short half.
Likewise polonium halos could have formed only if the rapidly effervescing specks of polonium had been instantly encased in solid rock.
Polonium halos are formed by the rapid decay of 210po when it is embedded in granite.
The scientific laboratory evidence is clear and unequivocal.
Polonium halos are produced by the radioactive decay of polonium inside granite.
Biblically this is exactly what we expect because their discovery in these rocks fits with the precise description of the rocks god created in the beginning.
Robert gentry s work showed that the earth s granite was never in a molten condition because polonium halos survive only in solid rock and the half life of polonium is much too short to survive a multimillion year cooling time.
Primordial polonium halos do exist in earth s foundation rocks the granites.
Polonium halos are found in granite samples all over the world and may be viewed using a microscope.
Because the polonium has a very rapid existence and very short half life and the fact that these polonium halos are preserved inside the granite indicates that formation of granite was very quick and not over millions of years as the evolutionists believe.
The occurrence of these polonium halos in granite samples from all over the world indicates that the earth was formed in an extremely short time in complete harmony with the biblical record of creation in genesis chapter 1.
Granite from the early origins of the earth.
Gentry has shown that polonium halos microspheres of coloration found in the earth s granite foundation rocks are produced by radioactive decay of primordial polonium known to have a fleeting existence thus.
Since polonium 210 has a very short half life the granite it is formed in would have had to be melted and cooled within days or the rings would not have been able to form.